I made a resume tonight..... I think it turned out rather well..... well, as well as it can seeing as how I have absolutely no job experience for the field in which I am applying..... HaHa!!! so, I just thought you should know that I AM trying to eventually become a member of the working population and not just a collge student in between sucky fast food jobs trying to get through. I am offically graduated on September 29th!!!!! Woot Woot!!! and my awesome friend Bethany is coming down for my graduation! Isn't she the bestest????? Anyway, I'm rambling, and I'm fucking tired, so I'm gonna hit the sack. Oh, and everyone should wish my friend Timmay good luck since tomorrow he will be embarking on a new life. He is leaving me....damn him, ...and starting a new life, with much cooler Myspace-aquired friends, in Tennessee (did I spell that right?..I'm too tired to even spell check it....) good luck with new job, new apartment, new friends, and no furniture...I'm sure you'll do GREAT!!! Drive it Mexican style all the way, baby, and drive that Kia proudly!!! :-) ($10 bucks says you don't read this until after you've already made your grand adventure) HaHa good night everyone..... bed bugs and shit....
The Grand Adventures of Mae Mae
Ya know that thing that happens while you're busy planning out how all the events in your life are going to go? Yeah, that's called real life, and it happens, so roll with it. Sometimes, it turns out worse, sometimes better, but the journey through it is undeniably more memorable.
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