Friday, November 24, 2006

I've resumed MySpace the two people who might actually read this, now have another source for info about me.I'll try to keep up with this blog, but it wasn't a huge myspace blog has over 2,000 views....this one....not so much....over the course of the last 4 months of blogging, I've received around 15 comments.....not a good turn-out....

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Ok...a quick update for the weekend, I'll blog more later, but I'm sitting at work, and apparently, the internet in allowed and actually somewhat encouraged here, so.....I can be a bad employee and get online. About the job, it's really good. It's a smaller place, so instead of getting stuck at one machine or in one room all day long, I get a good mix of everything. Mammo, CT, MRI, xray, OR, Fluoro...I've done some exams in every one of these modalities in the last two weeks since I started. I also like the people. No lazy old geezers, no snotty do-gooders, just cool, chill people that let you do your thing.....I'm very happy. Plus, they are paying for me to go to digital mammography training in January for a week in Wisconsin. Anyone wanna go with me? hotel...and free trip if you ride up and back with me. January 23-27.....let me know...yeah anyone will want to go to Milwaukee....but it was worth a shot. The new house is awesome....getting everything in order this week. Unpacking three girl's houses into one house has been quite the chore, but it is getting better. Tomorrow is turkey day and I have no family plans, so I'll spend most of the day cleaning and organizing for our thanksgiving dinner on Sunday. The girls and I are have a post thanksgiving get together sunday evening for anyone that would like to come by. I think we will all be turkeyed out, so i believe we're gonna do an Italian theme for the evening. Some wine, pasta, maybe chicken and some desserts, oh and of course mixed drinks afterward. I plan on being a little past buzzing by the end of the night. Care to join?...i have about 3 rsvps so far....not a good turn out, but we'll's still a few days away. Oh, on a lighter funnier note: I got the cat up to the know...THE cat...Chewbaca.....the freakiest and ugliest cat on the planet...which is quite the accomplishment to have both in one cat. She hates me...she growled at me for 3 hours straight Sunday night, and she's getting a little more adjusted to the house and being an inside kitty again. I'm really not a cat person....but Chewy has been around for a long time, I couldn't leave her behind!!

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

My pumpkin has had better days. Much like the morning.

I have found tonight, that no matter how cool I am.....and how much I feel like I mesh with certain people...the mere fact that I have tits obviously controls my social situation....I was rejected from ManCamp tonight.....don't ask if you're not familiar, just suffice it to say that it's "away" time for a bunch of pretty cool guys. In essence, they do not have to deal with women's bullshit....which is fucking cool in my opinion, I love the idea....except I can't go.....and I DON'T WANNA DEAL WITH WOMEN'S BULLSHIT EITHER!!!! I'm pouting.....I shouldn't take it all.....but I've been going crazy in this house for the last five weeks!!! I was even prepared to barter with my homemade beer and I'm sitting by myself....cuz it's WEDNESDAY......blogging.....half a bottle short of apple brandy than when I sat down here.....fuck everyone, it's much more relaxing to drink by yourself! hahahahaha

Sunday, November 05, 2006

1. Who was your first prom date? Ben Rudolph......funny....slightly ironic.....forgot about that!

2. Who was your first roommate? Jamie Miller.....many a drunken night in Medora,...and lots of friends I had never met before!

3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk? for the first time?...oh god!!! Clint Burcham, Mikey Blair and Josh Marcott fed me 13 shots of Southern Comfort, some hot damn, and a bottle of Apple Pucker..... I'll never forget that...what I can remember of it was the saturday before Easter and I was dad drug me to Cracker Barrel at 8 am and forced me to eat everything on my plate....I puked at the restaurant father was an evil punisher...instead of grounding, he just tortured!!!!

4. What was your first job? Basketball referee in high school

5. What was your first car? Bessie!!!! the old brown honda accord.....who could forget.....clint burcham and brandon kennedy took it offroading through the woods one night, i wrecked it 3 times....ran it through a fence in Freetown....caught the back seat on fire....damn.....I was rough on Bessie...sold her for $400 to my Army recruiter when I was all done with her :-)

6. When did you go to your first funeral? I had a lot of family death when I was little, i honestly don't know, my track record is one funeral every year at least....I think I went to 6 close family funerals before high school.

7. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown? I was 18 when I moved to Terre Haute for school...if that counts

8. Who was your first grade teacher? Mrs. Fountain for the couple weeks I was in first grade

9. Where did you go on your first airplane ride? Hmmm.....don't remember...maybe Washington, D.C.....maybe Florida.....

10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? Jared Scott....god, blast from the f-in past!!....yeah, multiple times....

11. Who was your first Best Friend and are still Best friends with? Sarah Scott or Natalie Ault....both pretty close, I lived at Natalie's house through middle school! Bethany came in around 6 th grade and she's the one I tell everything to!!!!!

.12. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parents house? Metropolis of Medora

13. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? Tim...he's usually the only one that will answer his phone! LOL!!

14. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or groomsmen? My aunt Diane...I was so hot....I was like 9 yrs old and it was the very early nineties....I had a hot pink dress and teased hair....dead sexy

15. What is the first thing you do in the morning?TOILET!!!!

16. What was the first concert you attended? Barenaked Ladies circa 1999

17. First tattoo or piercing? Ears when i was a kid. Then eyebrow first week of college..... nipples shortly after... but I took all those fun things out....the military didn't like them

18. First celebrity crush? I don't know...I never liked boys....not until high school at maybe...Josh Jackson on Dawson's Creek

19. First crush? Hmm....Matt Kirts.....eighth grade....i see how that panned out

20. First love? Oh.....everytime you fall in love with someone else you look back and realize you were never in love before...but first person I thought i loved was probably Jared Scott....then Matt Jones!! ooh.....i was devastated when he broke up with was my first adult was the only time in my life I was depressed....I sobbed for days, I quit my job!!!.... because I had built my entire after high school existence and future plans around this guy.....I didn't know any different...looking back seems it's the only time anyone has ever broken up with me even to this day...Jeremy was the rebound that turned into an engagement that turned into a scene from Jerry Springer....I thought I was in love then too....since then...I've saved that word and connotation for the right instance....I've LIKED many people since then, and I have "DESIRED" one or two...but just seems almost unattainable...something that has to be developed...or a figment of my imagination! not that I'm jaded or bitter or anything! haha

A time waster...but right now...I have nothing else to I'm filling out senseless shit from Myspace bulletins!!! hahahhaa....kinding of relaxing! These names didn't turn out nearly as good as Alison's....but you'll see.....

1. YOUR ROCK STAR NAME: (first pet & current street name)
Annie Quarry

2.YOUR GANGSTA NAME: (fav icecream flavor, favorite cookie)
Vanilla Scotchie

3. YOUR "FLY Guy/Girl" NAME: (first initial of first name, last three letters of your last name)

4. YOUR DETECTIVE NAME: (favorite color, favorite animal)
Green Guinea Pig

5. YOUR SOAP OPERA NAME: (middle name, city where you were born)
Christina Seymour ....or a news reporter.....which I think is a better description

6. YOUR STAR WARS NAME: (the first 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first)
Mayer ....funny....mine actually makes a word

7. SUPERHERO NAME: (2nd favorite color, favorite drink put "The")
The Blue Long Island

8. NASCAR NAME: (the first names of your grandfathers)
Don Ivan
9. STRIPPER NAME: ( the name of your favorite perfume/cologne, favorite candy)
Escada Mounds ...uhh....funny

10.WITNESS PROTECTION NAME: (mother & father's middle name )
Marie Dale ...sounds like a trailer park name

You all should post your answers in the comments page!!!!!!! see if yours turns out any better!

What can I say...when Myspace is right, they're right....LOL!!

E: A damn good kisser
R: Fuckin' crazy
I: Loves everyone
N: Dead sexy!

M: Makes dating fun!
A: Likes to drink
Y: One of the best damn girlfriends anyone could ask for!

my friend Christine posted this with her name, but at the bottom was a key for what the letters "mean"....I sound like the best thing since sliced bread.....wouldn't you all agree?

Life is coming together nicely. Well, at least a copule things have fallen into place......there are many more pieces I haven't even located yet!!! I have everything in order for beginning work on the 14th, all my pincushion shots and bloodwork, paperwork, benefits and drug tests...and after all that they have decided I'm an OK person....and they are going to pay me to work for them....getting paid a decent salary for's still kind of a foreign thought in my mind. I have been slaving my ass off every morning for two years in all kinds of hospitals, clinics, and offices. Doing 10 times what I'll probably be asked to do at my job, but they'll actually pay me for it, I don't have to turn around and deliver pizza forty hours a week to pay the bills. (Although I do kind of miss the people and the odd circumstances I would find myslef in....examples: I was once face to face with a raccoon in my passenger seat, head shoved inside of my pizza bag. I tripped over a skateboard and landed on my face in someone's driveway after dark. I saw over 10 different naked men answer the door. Got asked out twice. Forgot a pizza on top of my car and drove 15 miles before i realized it. Met many cute community security gaurds, one of which I ended up in the back of his patrol car......) get the point. It WAS fun and random, and when it's a job you don't really care if you get fired from, it's all the more reason to just fuck off and do what you want. But, alas, it is time to have to worry about doing a good job and getting along with coworkers, remembering to chip in for the potlucks, buying christmas gifts for the department, ya know....grown up shit...oh's time. It is also time to move.....we found a place we all really like...and by "we", I mean Alison and Claire. Two roommates that I'm pretty sure are gonna be a blast to live with. I don't know Claire that well, but she's so energetic and fun...but laid back and I'm guessing a little nerdy...which fits in GREAT with Ali and I. Alison and I have lived together before, and we got along great, so I foresee no problems, plus I'm just not that bitchy in general, I can tolerate most anyone or anything...although I am going to have to share a bathroom with two other girls and I've never had to share a bathroom before......that's my only concern....I hope I'm not a terror to live with!! hahaha Oh!! and the place.....everyone has to see's old...high ceilings, fireplace, lots of space, hardwood floors, full basement, big closets...we like it....and it's just a 5 minute cab ride from any downtown or Broad Ripple bar we'd care to venture's at 47th and Capital.....everyone plan to visit. I will give you pictures once we get moved in, but December 2nd is our first house party. It's a Saturday, and don't you make any plans.....cuz you're all coming!!! I'm always a lil excited for a change of scenery, but I"m glad it's still here in Indiana...I've had some interesting experiences in the past couple weeks to say the least, and I've found their are certain people here that I just love being around, even if they can kick my ass at Cash Cab (wink,wink) All in all, life is good, birthday was good, job is good, and even though I'm going nuts not working at the moment, I'm trying to enjoy this last week of early 20's freedom and libation and realize you only live once....I'm in a much better place here than in for all of you that were complaints from the Peanut Gallery......I just opened another liter of home brewed beer and the Colts game is about to begin, care to join me?

Monday, October 30, 2006

So, it's been a while, I've moved to Indiana and left my blog's because I don't have wireless internet for my laptop and only have dial up on my father's computer.....I forgot what that was like!!! I've been hanging up, catching up, and chilling out.... trying to enjoy my month vacation before my entrance into the real world. I got a job doing xrays, MRI and mammos, which is quite good because it's not the same thing all of the time, and it's good hours 10-6 M-F so I have the weekends off and no early mornings or late nights. I'm starting to look for a house or apartment to rent. Got a couple of roomies ready to go, which is good...I just want to try and enjoy myself, live with some fun people, go out at night, good fun stuff......I'm getting that "old feeling" it's my birthday tomorrow and I'm felling a little old....i know, i'm only 23, but age is a number, and I fell like I'm 35.......I need to live it up, take advantage of my surroundings, not just sitting at home, cooking dinner, and watching TV.......not that I don't enjoy that, but I need to create some memories....I've been trying to network a little....with some people up north....we'll see....... I also got a random inkling to draw a comic book, or comic strip, or kids book, don't know which one, but I've drawn some interesting characters that would favorite one being "Gums" a shark that forgets he's stuck in a fish's a work in progress....and a turtle named Morty....he'd be a good kid's book.....i keep trying to draw Pooper as a 'toon, but I just can't draw CATS!!! I've tried 3 times!!! and my dad just looks, shakes his head, and goes...."No...not at all...." oh well, I can't be perfect. But who's closer than me?.... that's what i thought. I drank tequila the other night and had "Storytime" with Kegan McKinney and Megan Thomas about past and present romantic was a blast from the past.....and an annoying reminder of reality..... and then had to go drinking with dad at Chili's the next day to rid myself of the hangover and catch the Colts game...which was by the way.....very exciting, my drunk ass yelled at the TV for like 40 minutes straight....."STOP MIKE BELL!!!!!!" does that happen....he's not even a Bronco's starter!!!!! but all is good, Viniteiri did was he does best, and that is kick a field goal at crunch time, 6 seconds left, peyton and reggie got him in FG range, and he won it for 'em. Just like he always use to do for the Pats....34/31..... giggity giggity...... so, now I'm on my way to a gay male strip club in's called the Unicorn...I'm frightened......but what else am I doing, I doubt there is anything exciting going on in Jackson County, it is Monday and my theory is that my phone is broken from Sunday to Friday, that's why it never rings....except for Gary...and that's why I'm on my way to a male strip club.....I have my physical in the morning for my job and I sign all of my employment and benifit paperwork......exciting.....and then who knows what...hopefully someone will have some ideas....oh...i saw Nightmare Before Christmas in 3D the other night, I had never seen it, but it was awesome, and then we drove back here from Indy and proceeded to just keep going south to New ALbany to the riverboat.......had such a good time!!!!!!! I bet 20, won like 90.....gave Gary some to gamble on and we played until 7 something in the much fun....still walked out with 20 dollars to the good....spent all morning yesterday blowing the leaves out of the yeard (wonder why it took all morning?... have you seen the size of our yard and the yard that goes all the way up the side of the road?....won;t miss that next month when they move to town.......then after the game was over, my brother tried to set the house on fire by burning paper in him bedroom like a fucking pyro......but that's him and he's wierd..... so....I'm sure I've forgotten some interesting events from the last couple of weeks, but you get the idea, this random posting of events is key to understanding the randomness that is my life right now. OH!!! I got my board exam results back.....ya know how I hope striving for a 98 but thought it was not ever gonna happen?....yeah, I got a 97.....highest score this year.....I had to take a moment ot be full of myself.....I'm done now....and I went to a Halloween party the other night (see tequila storytime mentioned above) dressed up as an eighties chick...i was hot...side ponytail in a banana clip, denim mini and leg warmers.....i was stylin' and profilin'.. and we went on a hayride which is tradition......good stuff.....So, that's it, gotta go...sorry there is no proofreading....and lots of typos.....but it wouldn't be my awesome typing skills if it wasn't. EVeryone from florida that reads this, let me know what you've been up to...i'm very very curious. miss you, hell, miss EVERYBODY....even you dorks in Indiana that never call too :-) take care...I'm off to have gay penis rubbed all over me. (yeah.....i'm sure it will be as bad as it sounds....)

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Tim: I feel left out......but good for you god damn it!!!!! hahahahha

No place in Brownstown sells Salt and Vinegar potato chips at 2 am......and trust me, I checked three places....and just the fact that there are three places open to check was kind of a feat around these parts.

Weeds is an amazingly awesome TV series....I highly recommend it.

You really can meet your "gay quota" for the week rather quickly when you hang out with Kate and Gary, but god love em I can't quite get enough

Simple logic....why buy the cow?......this whole thing was probably a horrible idea...

Alison: Be patient, only 5 more days and I'll know if we are to be future roommates....

Tim: Waahhh.....there's sand in my pussy hurts.....

Katie: I am a simple goat......I live in the back of a pickup truck...the old man tied me here with a three foot I happy? .... he don't..... give a fuck......

People look at you funny when you're washing your car in your pajamas in the dark at 6 me on this one...... and don't ask.....

Unemployment is totally driving me batty.......I'm not cut out for bon-bon eating and soaps

Do my text messages go off into the ether?......

Why can everyone in my graduating class get their ARRT exam results back within 5 days but mine has taken almost 3 weeks?...I'm registered and online.....but I haven't received my awesome score yet......which I'm convinced is amazing or they wouldn't hold on to it for so long.

I actually drove to Greensburg today to go to a video store......and have McDonalds....again.....don't ask....

I'm goin to a poker game in Lafayette real the fuck out bitches.....I'm BACK

Sometimes, the world quits revolving when you leave, and other times, things go on like clockwork and make you realize just how miniscule and unimportant you really are to the world.

I have an interview Monday morning and I'm very nervous. But I bought a new skirt suit that will totally knock 'em should see it, I'm kinda hot in a naughty secretary kind of way.

I might be a smidgin depressive tonight.....I'm gonna go crawl in bed and read some medieval literature, just to further prove the fact I'm the most bizarre fucked up excuse for an Indiana girl ever

I'm going to get my hair cut tomorrow....don't panic ....just a touch.....but why does it matter what YOU think anyway...and yes....I am referring to're a fucking quick one....

Watch out for drunken gay vampires, they go right for the jugular...or the "internal jugular" as the Mambler calls it...hahahah.... I still have bite marks on my goddamn neck.

I'm getting mean......goodnight. Luvins.....

Friday, October 13, 2006

So.....I'm here!!!!! What else is there to say......oh...yeah...and it's fucking cold here....that too.... haha No, I like the weather....I'm not sure what to do with myself though, I have nothing I have to job at the moment, although I did get a good lead on a Community South job opening yesterday...and that's it...I did the dishes last night...that felt like an accomplishment.. I got my stuff moved in, and somewhat organized. As organized as can be when you have no furniture, desk, or drawers, not even a closet....not I have an organized pile of rubbermaid tubs.... :-) I went to Waffle House and the porn store last night, that was exciting.....and hung out with "the gay crowd".... you know who you are......hopefully, there is something going on tonight...someone said something about haunted houses, someone else-a concert in Bloominton, and I do recall another conversation regarding we'll see how everything pans out. On a geekier note, I did finish my paper on "Women in Medieval Romance" today....thank you, thank you....and yes, it is as dull and boring as it that's it...... This has been an update of my life, please stay tuned as the week progresses as more annoying, baffling, and somewhat perplexing details develop in the ongoing saga.