Sunday, November 05, 2006

1. Who was your first prom date? Ben Rudolph......funny....slightly ironic.....forgot about that!

2. Who was your first roommate? Jamie Miller.....many a drunken night in Medora,...and lots of friends I had never met before!

3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk? for the first time?...oh god!!! Clint Burcham, Mikey Blair and Josh Marcott fed me 13 shots of Southern Comfort, some hot damn, and a bottle of Apple Pucker..... I'll never forget that...what I can remember of it was the saturday before Easter and I was dad drug me to Cracker Barrel at 8 am and forced me to eat everything on my plate....I puked at the restaurant father was an evil punisher...instead of grounding, he just tortured!!!!

4. What was your first job? Basketball referee in high school

5. What was your first car? Bessie!!!! the old brown honda accord.....who could forget.....clint burcham and brandon kennedy took it offroading through the woods one night, i wrecked it 3 times....ran it through a fence in Freetown....caught the back seat on fire....damn.....I was rough on Bessie...sold her for $400 to my Army recruiter when I was all done with her :-)

6. When did you go to your first funeral? I had a lot of family death when I was little, i honestly don't know, my track record is one funeral every year at least....I think I went to 6 close family funerals before high school.

7. How old were you when you first moved away from your hometown? I was 18 when I moved to Terre Haute for school...if that counts

8. Who was your first grade teacher? Mrs. Fountain for the couple weeks I was in first grade

9. Where did you go on your first airplane ride? Hmmm.....don't remember...maybe Washington, D.C.....maybe Florida.....

10. When you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with? Jared Scott....god, blast from the f-in past!!....yeah, multiple times....

11. Who was your first Best Friend and are still Best friends with? Sarah Scott or Natalie Ault....both pretty close, I lived at Natalie's house through middle school! Bethany came in around 6 th grade and she's the one I tell everything to!!!!!

.12. Where did you live the first time you moved out of your parents house? Metropolis of Medora

13. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day? Tim...he's usually the only one that will answer his phone! LOL!!

14. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a bridesmaid or groomsmen? My aunt Diane...I was so hot....I was like 9 yrs old and it was the very early nineties....I had a hot pink dress and teased hair....dead sexy

15. What is the first thing you do in the morning?TOILET!!!!

16. What was the first concert you attended? Barenaked Ladies circa 1999

17. First tattoo or piercing? Ears when i was a kid. Then eyebrow first week of college..... nipples shortly after... but I took all those fun things out....the military didn't like them

18. First celebrity crush? I don't know...I never liked boys....not until high school at maybe...Josh Jackson on Dawson's Creek

19. First crush? Hmm....Matt Kirts.....eighth grade....i see how that panned out

20. First love? Oh.....everytime you fall in love with someone else you look back and realize you were never in love before...but first person I thought i loved was probably Jared Scott....then Matt Jones!! ooh.....i was devastated when he broke up with was my first adult was the only time in my life I was depressed....I sobbed for days, I quit my job!!!.... because I had built my entire after high school existence and future plans around this guy.....I didn't know any different...looking back seems it's the only time anyone has ever broken up with me even to this day...Jeremy was the rebound that turned into an engagement that turned into a scene from Jerry Springer....I thought I was in love then too....since then...I've saved that word and connotation for the right instance....I've LIKED many people since then, and I have "DESIRED" one or two...but just seems almost unattainable...something that has to be developed...or a figment of my imagination! not that I'm jaded or bitter or anything! haha


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