Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Get ready people.....I'm on the home stretch!!!! I'm leaving Nashvegas in the morning and I'll be coming around the bend when I come...when I COME!!!! hahahaha enough with the silly songs...just be happy to see me..... and while this isn't a photo of my car,it's pretty darn close. I went to a real fancy eating place tonight with Tim and I tried to find my make-up in my car, but was completely unsuccessful, there is not room to sneeze in "the beast" but about I said, fancy restaurant, bottle of wine, dessert, and then we went to a bar downtown where I drank another way too strong drink....or... as Tim called it "a slut drink" do you consider a Cosmo a slut drink?....just checking....but i then stumbled into Tim's office building with the cleaning crew in the bathroom, an then stumbled my way back to the car and into Tim's apartment where I am now drunk blogging......hopefully not too many typos...can't wait to see all you assmunchers in Indiana....and that's it, I have officially decided I am done with this blogging stuff for the night...goodnight...luv you alll...


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